American Agri-Women heading to Washington, D.C., to deliver ag policy positions

April 30, 2013, ALMA, Kan. (AgPR), American Agri-Women recently drafted resolutions to address issues and threats to agriculture. Representatives from this all-volunteer coalition of more than 50,000 farm, ranch, and agribusiness women will deliver these resolutions to elected officials in Washington, D.C., in early June.
The group’s resolutions, which are reviewed each spring, cover ag business and economics, commodities, and natural resources.  
“It’s our mission – and our duty – to represent and protect those who produce food, feed, fiber and fuel for the world,” says Karen Yost of Billings, Mont., AAW president. “Our meetings are also an important way we educate legislators and policy-makers.”
Issues education
Members heard from ag experts at the midyear meeting, which was held in Louisville, Kentucky. Many issues received considerable discussion; position statements were formed and will be taken to Washington D.C. A few highlights include:
- Immigration: AAW strongly urges Congress to support, promote, enact, and fund comprehensive immigration reform legislation. We specifically support the agricultural provisions of S.744, the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Reform Act.”
- AGENDA 21 - AAW strongly urges Congress to support the passage of H.R. 75, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act.  This Act would allow the US to withdraw membership and participation on the United Nations order to protect the sovereignty of the United States against global governance.
- R.I.V.E.R Act of 2013: AAW is in support of current legislation (S.407) that improves and updates our locks and dams infrastructure with both public and private funding and improves the efficiency of the Corps design and construction process.
- S.E.T.A.: AAW believes in Reforming Gross Vehicle Weights of trucks by supporting current legislation (HR 612) in which Gross Vehicle Weights increase resulting in less fuel consumption, less pollution, reduced pavement wear, and greater safety on our highways.
The Mid-Year meeting included presentations by grass roots leaders and several influencers of public policy. A tour of Churchill Downs with a mint juleps and a derby hat contest was enjoyed by the many members in attendance!
The AAW Fly In to Washington D.C. will be held June 2-5, 2013. Go to the AAW web site for more information and to join, Find AAW on social media at: and (@Women4Ag.)
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AAW Media Contact: 

Abby Amick
Vice President of Communications
American Agri-Women
(620) 271-2953  mobile: voice, voicemail, text, email


AAW is a national coalition of more than 50,000 farm, ranch and agribusiness women, representing state and commodity affiliates. “We are a force for truth, a reasoned, non-partisan voice for the agriculture community to the public.”

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