For Immediate Release

Farm Market iD Launches New Data Delivery Tool

Visual Mapping Platform “Sees” Farm Fields, Grower Detail and More 

Westmont, IL 
(AgPR) February 27, 2017 
 Chicago-area based Farm Market iD, the leading US farm data provider, today announced the release of its FieldVision mobile data delivery platform.

FieldVision is a powerful tool for any agribusiness that has a field sales staff, advisors, consultants, and others who have a need to know the details about growers and their cropland.  The new tool provides location-based intelligence to help users identify growers, crops, acres and field locations within a farm enterprise, and be able to do it “on the fly.”

The GPS on mobile devices allows any user to quickly and easily learn about farm fields and farmers around their current location.  Since FieldVision sits on top of FMiD’s massive database of over 200 trillion data points, it provides actionable and localized information to help teams in the field make data-powered decisions.

Whether it is knowing the size, scope and makeup of a farming operation in the user’s immediate location, or whether it is analyzing crop rotation or capturing and storing key information about farm fields and farmers,  FieldVision empowers field personnel with an easy-to-use tool that is linked to the industry’s leading, highly accurate and detailed farm and ranch database.

Steven Rao, CEO of Farm Market iD said, “We are really excited by the reception FieldVision has received from new users during its preview.  As this is just version 1.0, we will be incorporating the wants and needs of our user community to drive the product roadmap.”

According to one manager at a large Midwest retailer, “We have over 100 of our field sales reps already using FieldVision, and they love it.  I expect this product will help us increase sales pretty substantially. Understanding just who the prospects are in our sales areas will bring us big dividends.”

Farm Market iD has been busy developing FieldVision, as well as other soon to be unveiled applications. These applications bring the industry’s largest and most powerful database into context and make it more accessible to agribusiness decision making.

Said Rao, “The key is using big data science to make information bite sized to help agribusiness make the next right decision.”

FieldVision will work on any Web connected device, as it was developed using a mobile responsive framework.  It is operating systems and device agnostic.  A key feature in FieldVision and in the FMID framework is the power of its proprietary database of over 34 million field boundaries covering and connected to 2 million farmers and nearly $300 billion in Gross Farm Income.

To see a short video about FieldVision, go to

To speak to a Farm Market iD representative, call 844-487-6322, or email
                                                            # # #

Company Contact:              
Patricia Fidyk


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